Greetings My Brothers,
Firstly, I would like to thank the Great I AM, Grand Architect of the Universe, GOD for allowing me the time on his beautiful creation to serve my brothers through the 2018 year. I would like to thank my wife, Angelique and son, Corey for indulging daddy being gone on so many nights. I would also like to thank all of the Past Masters, Wardens, and Brothers of Port Royal Scott Lodge #591 that has had the confidence in me to lead this great lodge.

I have been graced to fall under the leadership of many masters of Port Royal Scott that have taught me verbally or through observation, that has left an indelible impression on my mind. There have been Brothers like Edward Leak, Bernard Jenkins, Danny Williams, Leondes Cooley, Michael Landrum, and Maurice Gilbert, also Past Masters like Paul Morant, Lenzell Williba, Emmett Osburn, Keith Jackson, John Sanders, and Ronald Butler, these Brothers have led to lodge through ups and downs and brought us to where we are today. To follow these brothers gives me the feeling of a dwarf standing on the shoulders of giants. Now it has come my time to add to the common stock of the lodge, through my trestle board and with the assistance of the brothers, we will move this lodge forward into our future endeavors.

In my masonic observations of the lodge and the leadership within, we realize that the Lodge has two sides, a business side and a personnel side. Now for this business side to grow you need to have and hit key points for growth. The key point that I would like the brothers of Port Royal Scott to focus on are gaining finances, helping the needy, and enhancing our presence in the community, assisting with a rotating form of capitol that the lodge can depend on. This is the business aspect of the lodge that needs to be satisfied to be successful.

There is also the humanized portion of the lodge’s goals that require attention. Remember through all of this we are dealing with people. We need to be able to enjoy the fellowship of the brothers, sisters, family and friends. We need to effectively communicate our wants, needs and intention with our partners in and around the Riverdale area. We need to be good teachers and leaders, because we are also in the business of making good men better.
Through the trestle board that I will layout and with assistance of the brothers of the lodge; it will be a productive, educational, and fun year. With the blessings of God, the wisdom of Solomon, and the careful planning of Grand Master Hiram Abiff, there is no way the brothers of Port Royal Scott can fail.

Thank you.


Warren D.Gregory