Worshipful Masters 2024 Address

Greetings Brothers of Port Royal Scott Lodge #591. First, I would like to thank each and every Brother for having the confidence in me to elect me as Worshipful Master. I do not take this responsibility lightly and promise to give all I have to ensure that the lodge is another rung higher on our ladder to greatness.  

I would like to personally thank the Past Masters that have come before me and paved the way. I am truly standing on the shoulders of Giants. Past Master Rozier, thank you for your 2 years of service as Worshipful Master and leadership of the lodge. I look forward to receiving wise counsel throughout my administration from all my Past Masters.  

This year we will be spreading our wings as a Lodge. The theme for this year is “Spreading like wildfire”. We will take our impact in the community and in the Jurisdiction of Georgia to another level. In closing, thank you for all of your future support in these endeavors and remember we are all PRS Strong. Now Let’s Work.  

Fraternally Yours,  

Brother Martin J. Seay Jr. 32°- Worshipful Master  

Port Royal Scott Lodge #591 

Riverdale, Ga